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Court system guide

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Guide to court system

Guardian ad Litem
A Guardian ad Litem is a volunteer appointed by the court to advocate for the best interests of a child involved in a court proceeding. The volunteer guardian ad litem makes independent recommendations to the court by focusing on the needs and best interests of the child. For more information about guardian ad litem, visit

Working with the court system
If a family is investigated by DCF for child abuse or neglect and the children are found to be in need of protection, a FamiliesFirst Network counselor is assigned to work with the parents and children. Our counselors work to help families solve problems that are causing an unsafe situation for the children. They may refer the family for services such as therapy, parenting classes, mental health and substance abuse treatment, domestic violence counseling, and medical and dental care for children. The counselor will visit with the parents and children at least once a month, usually in the home. FamiliesFirst Network is also responsible for supervising licensed shelter and foster homes, as well as relative and approved non-relative homes where dependent children are placed if removed from the parents. Our counselors must make regular written reports to the court about the children and the progress of the parents under the case plan. Counselors must meet specific educational requirements prior to being hired, and also receive training and accreditation from DCF.

courtroom, lawyer with papers speaking to jury

Types of court hearings

24-hour shelter hearing:

At this hearing, the court decides whether the children who have been removed from their home should continue to remain out of the home, and if so, where they should be placed temporarily. This could be with an approved relative or non-relative, with a licensed foster parent, or with a group home. The court may also appoint an attorney for the parents at the shelter hearing.

Arraignment hearing:

At this hearing, the parents (through their attorney) are given the chance to admit, deny or consent to the allegations listed in the dependency petition. If a parent has received notice of the arraignment hearing and does not appear, the parent shall be considered to have consented to what the department listed against them.

Adjudicatory hearing:

This hearing is only scheduled if parents deny the allegations of abuse. At this hearing, DCF will present information to the court to show that the child has been abused, neglected or abandoned. If the court finds proof, the court then adjudicates the child dependent and schedules a disposition hearing.

Disposition hearing:

At this hearing, if the children continue to remain out-of-home, the court determines where the children shall be placed on a longer term basis, as well as what the parents must do in order for the children to be returned or for the case to be closed.

Judicial review hearings:

These hearings are held at least every six months to discuss the safety, permanency and well-being of the children, as well as parent’s progress on the case plan. Children are invited and encouraged to attend hearings as appropriate.

Permanency hearing:

This hearing is held before the end of the 12th month a child has been in out-of-home care to decide whether the child should be reunified with the parents, or whether some other permanent arrangement – such as termination of parental rights, adoption or permanent guardianship with a relative or non-relative – should be made for the child.

Other hearings may depend on circumstances. Parents should ask their attorney for more details.